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Not all that long ago, I felt broken. I’d made choices I was ashamed of and found myself in a place so dark it hurt to be alive.

I needed to transform if I was going to RISE.

A heaping handful of supportive friends and family were there to hold my hand (My mom and Danielle Foerster top the list), but I also had to draw internal strength. So, among other things, I came up with a mantra, something I could repeat to myself each day. I held these words close to my heart:

Each morning I make a choice. I choose to love myself. I choose to act as if I am the woman I want to be, and moment by moment, decision by careful decision, I am becoming the kind of woman I admire most, one of the battle-strong who has overcome hardships and nourished her own dreams. A woman who can save herself. I’ve had the power all along, and now I know it.

I am choosing HOPE.

I imagined a woman who was strong and confident. I pictured someone who maintained her femininity and nurtured her children while growing her own company rooted in integrity. I willed myself to make the daily choices THAT woman would make.

A little over a month ago I sat down with Julia Badei, a photographer I have come to recognize as a member of my tribe.  I’d hired her to take family pictures along with ‘couples photos’ of Julian and I. In addition to the photo session I’d asked for, Julia told me about her Mother’s Day special. She offered free makeup application by a professional makeup artist along with a complimentary picture of just MOM.

I was thrilled about having my makeup done for our family photos. I wasn’t so excited about getting a picture of just me. What did I need a glam pic of myself for? I had author shots. Anything more seemed frivolous. Unnecessary.

Julia insisted. 

When she finished the photo shoot, I let Julian pick one of the more revealing shots for just him. I didn’t purchase any of the pretty pictures Julia had taken of me in the beautiful green silk dress. I wasn’t even sure if I liked them.

Then Julia posted one of those green silk dress pictures on my Facebook page, and I realized something important. That woman, the one I’d been “acting as if I was,” the woman I was striving to become – she was looking back at me.

I don’t nail it every day, and I will surely fall again, but in this moment, in this picture, Julia captured something I worked so hard for. I decided to revel in my accomplishment.

Life is not just about looking forward and pushing for bigger, better, next, MORE. Life is sweeter when we fully appreciate and give grace to our hard-earned triumphs. Honestly, what’s the point of scaling mountains if we can’t take a long deep breath and celebrate our journey?

I designated that powerful picture of The Woman In The Dress as my Facebook profile picture. Sometime soon, I’m also going to buy a professional print of this photo to frame and hang on a wall in my home. Because SHE, is The woman I willed myself to become.

This Post Has 7 Comments
  1. Dear Holly,
    Words that come from a heart, penetrate a heart. Your courage to pull yourself up, to rise above the hardships that pushed your head down to almost drowning – is yours forever. Never forgef it. This is you.
    All my love and admiration for your heard work, honesty and openness. I hug you tightly.

  2. I often wonder at the story of The Girl with the Pearl Earring… regardless of Scarlet Johanssen’s portrayal. Vermeer is my favorite painter.

    You’ve dressed yourself with hope and spunk and forward-motion zest!

  3. Thank you PJ! That is one of my favorite paintings!!! Oh my gosh, that novel by Tracy Chevalier is also one of my favorite books. I didn’t know they made it into a movie!!! Adding it to my must watch list.

  4. Holly,
    I met you later in your life’s journey, so to me this woman you’re striving for is the very one I met at the writer’s conference. For me, the lady in the green silk dress is not new, she’s the only one I know as you – poised, confident, warm, caring, nurturing, focused, funny and always responsive. You’re there!

  5. Awe, Gene, you made me cry happy tears all over again. Thank you so much.

  6. Every woman needs a glorious portrait of herself! Every woman! I had no idea of the impact of our time together in the session. I simply captured what I saw in you. There was no pretending to be in character, no forced posting. I simply sat you in this beautiful window light, directed your gaze and took the shot. You should know that this is what the world sees when it looks at you. A strong FABULOUS woman, with a past, and present, and future. I adore you, Holly!

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